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DSM launches 70 percent bio-based EcoPaxx

Published: August 19, 2013 2:21 pm ET

HEERLEN, NETHERLANDS — Royal DSM NV says its new EcoPaxx polyamide 410, which has a bio-based content of 70 percent, can help reduce the environmental footprint of aluminum window profiles.
The material, used in insulating profiles, is made from a material drived from the castor plant (Ricinus Communis). It is carbon neutral from cradle to gate, because the CO2 generated in production is compensated by the CO2 absorbed during plant growth, says the company.
"Aluminum window producers want to develop product offerings that not only demonstrate sustainability in the use phase, but also demonstrate sustainability in the materials used to construct their products," says DSM spokesperson Caroline Mitterlehner. "The vision is to move towards the use of materials with a bio-based content and a lower carbon footprint than current products used."
According to Heerlen, the Netherlands-based DSM, EcoPaxx polyamide 410 also offers mechanical advantages over other engineering plastics, including a high melting point of 482°F, good hydrolysis and chemical resistance, and lower moisture absorption than PA66.

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