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Maryland recycler relocates to renovated space

By Jim Johnson
Published: August 9, 2013 12:37 pm ET

Plastics recycling firm BA/CH Polymers LLC is relocating the company’s office space in Annapolis, Md.
The company is moving into a 2,500-square-foot space at 111 Chinquapin Round Road, a two-story 36,000 square-foot building that’s now 80 percent filled, according to Mackenzie Commercial Real Estate Services.
“The combination of contemporary space, easy access to downtown and major highways, and neighboring tenants,” BA/CH Polymers President Tom Bach said in a statement, makes the location “the ideal space for our relocation.”
The renovated building was reintroduced to the market in September.
BA/CH Polymers, a subsidiary of Canusa Hershman Recycling Co. of Branford, Conn., purchases, processes and markets more than 10 million pounds of plastic per month in North America, the company said.
The city Design District seeks to build an urban environment where home design, showroom, arts and other businesses can locate, according to the district’s website.
“We look forward to growing our business within the Design District,” Bach said.

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