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PN honored, again, for show dailies

Published: July 29, 2013 1:42 pm ET

OAK BROOK, ILL. — Plastics News received a bronze award in the annual national journalism competition sponsored by the American Society of Business Publication Editors.
PN won the Azbee Award in the category of best on-site trade show coverage, for the 2012 NPE show daily newspapers.
Plastics News delivered three 68-page dailies to attendees at NPE in Orlando, Fla., in April 2012. Digital versions of the newspapers were offered to more than 85,000 readers around the world.
"I'm very proud of the team that reported and produced our 2012 show dailies," Editor Don Loepp said. "We have a reputation for our show dailies, which take a tremendous effort by everyone at Plastics News."
Plastics News has previously won gold and silver national Azbee Awards, respectively, for its NPE show dailies in 2000 and 2006, as well as a silver national Azbee for its 2001 Plastics USA show dailies.
PN's next show daily effort will be at the K 2013 trade show in Düsseldorf, Germany. The project team, which will include reporters and editors from sister publications European Plastics News and Plastics & Rubber Weekly, will produce six dailies during the Oct. 16-23 show.
Crain Communications Inc., parent company of Plastics News, dominated the on-site trade show coverage category for the Azbee Awards this year. Other winners in the category included PN sister newspapers Automotive News (gold award) and Business Insurance (silver award).
The awards were handed out at the American Society of Business Publication Editors annual conference, held July 26 in Oak Brook.

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