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Moretto rolling out new products for K show
  By Bill Bregar
Published: July 17, 2013 3:11 pm ET
Moretto rolling out new products for K show
Officials of Italian auxiliary manufacturer Moretto SpA say the company will be a “container of Italian ingenuity” at K 2013, rolling out a new range of products.
New products from Moretto, of Massanzago, include:
One Wire 6 (OW6), a self-adaptive control and management for centralized conveying systems. OW6 is fully automatic, so it is not necessary to set time and parameters. It will recognize the new conditions and will self-adapt.
The new Kasko model of receivers has a new, more-compact design, are more efficient and can be easily installed.
Moretto also has increased the range of TEKO temperature controllers. The new series has increased the working temperature but still uses water as the medium for heat exchange.
The DGM Gravix gravimetric dosing work precisely even in areas of high vibrations, thanks to the Vibration Immunity System (VIS).
The OTX — the Original Thermal Exchanger — sports an internal geometry that Morretto said solves material flow-down problems, while consuming 40 percent less time and energy compared to traditional standard hoppers.
And Moretto engineers shouted Eureka, by coming out with the dehumidification system. Eureka combines OTX with two other Moretto technologies, to deliver XMax and Flowmatik. XMax dryers are modular, so they can serve up to 32 OTX units. Flowmatik is an integrated automatic system for distributing the process air for OTX syste4ms.
In the U.S. and Canada, Moretto is represented by Advanced Blending Solutions LLC in Menominee, Mich.
Tel. 888-204-5080.
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