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PET to PET boosts recycling capacity

Richard Higgs 
Published: September 18, 2014 11:14 am ET
Updated: September 18, 2014 11:18 am ET

Image By: PET to PET Recycling Austria GmbH
PET to PET Recycling is backed by Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling and other beverage manufacturers and specializes in producing food grade PET from recycled bottles.

PET to PET Recycling Austria GmbH, a bottle-to-bottle PET recycling operation backed by Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling and several beverage manufacturers, has invested 2.3 million euros ($2.9 million) to upgrade its Austrian plant.

Over the past year, the firm has expanded, reorganized and improved its processing plant at Müllendorf, in the Austrian state of Burgenland, to handle increasing processing demand. 

The work has included the construction of a processing hall and the installation of a new storage silo system comprising 12 individual silos. It has improved the process flow and allowed some recyclate to be delivered in special storage vehicles to customers, the company said.

“With the current expansion, we have now invested strongly in improving the infrastructure of systems and the optimization of logistic processes,” said Managing Director Christian Strasser.

The firm has centralized its operations on the main site, coordinating truck deliveries and stock transfers. The site’s operation will be more efficient and environmentally sustainable, saving not only time but also transport fuel, according to PET to PET.

The firm produces quality food grade PET flake from bottle waste and PET granules for molding PET bottle preforms.  

PET to PET is a joint venture run by Austrian beverage companies Radlberger Getränke & Co; S. Spitz; Rauch Fruchtsäfte & Co. and Vöslauer Mineralwasser, along with Coca-Cola HBC Austria. It opened in 2007.

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