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PolyOne helps nonprofit get water purification to more places in need

Published: September 17, 2014 1:59 pm ET
Updated: September 17, 2014 2:04 pm ET

Image By: WaterStep
WaterStep's M-100 water purification system uses PolyOne Corp.'s Geon materials to improve durability.

Resin giant PolyOne Corp. is teaming up with WaterStep, a non-profit water purification agency, to help the group assist a greater number of disaster victims around the world.

WaterStep, based in Louisville, Ky., delivers water treatment, health and hygiene products and training as well as disaster relief by providing people access to safe, clean water.

PolyOne said that its collaboration with WaterStep already has improved product design and performance for WaterStep's M-100 water purification system.

The company’s Geon vinyl formulation increased durability of the system, which makes it possible to air-drop deliveries into remote areas in distress or recovering from natural disasters, says the company. The Avon Lake, Ohio-based company highlights it also meets NSF potable water, UV and chemical resistance requirements.

“It was extremely gratifying for PolyOne to collaborate with WaterStep and its ongoing mission of providing access to clean water to those in need,” said Michael A. Garratt, president of performance products and solutions for PolyOne. “We are proud that our material and design support are contributing to WaterStep’s important relief work and global outreach.”

Sam DuPlessis, an engineer and WaterStep volunteer, said: “By enabling us to produce a more durable purifier with greater efficiency, PolyOne has helped the WaterStep team to air-drop more units with greater confidence and help more people in need. This design will better serve disaster victims in the many countries that WaterStep reaches with our ongoing relief and humanitarian aid efforts.”

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