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Parx launches production of Saniconcentrates antibacterial polymers

By Frank Esposito
Published: September 12, 2014 11:11 am ET
Updated: September 12, 2014 11:44 am ET

Michael van der Jagt

Parx Plastics has achieved commercial production of its Saniconcentrates-brand line of antibacterial polymers.

Parx — based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands — now is making Saniconcentrates based on Eastman Chemical Co.’s Tritan-brand copolyester, as well as on ABS, at a plant in Bologna, Italy.

“Being able to offer these off-the-shelf solutions is a great step forward bringing our biocompatible technology to the market,” Parx co-founder Michael van der Jagt said in a news release. He added that recent months “have been pretty turbulent” for his firm, as its received interest from several large companies.

“The world is moving towards more sustainable solutions and customer pressure is rising,” van der Jagt said. Parx’s Saniconcentrates and Sanipolymers lines use a biocompatible solution to make plastic materials and the objects made with those plastics more resistant to microbes and bacteria. Bacteria proliferation and bacteria counts can be reduced by as much as 99 percent when Parx products are used, officials said.

The patented technology used with Parx materials is fully safe in contact with humans and nature, they added. It’s also suitable for plastics that come in contact with foodstuffs or with other materials for regulated applications. Parx worked with two Italian universities — the University of Bologna and the University of Naples — to develop the technology used in its products.

In late 2013, resin distribution leader Nexeo Solutions LLC began distributing Parx products to its customers in Europe. Parx was founded in 2012 and has been recognized by the European Commission as one of Europe’s top technology startups. The firm also is a finalist in the World Technology Awards, which are sponsored by Fortune and Time magazines.

Earlier this year, Plastics News recognized van der Jagt as one of the Rising Stars in the plastics industry. The award is given to plastics professionals under the age of 40 who are on the path to becoming the industry's next leaders.

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